例) 気分がまあまあ時 Bob: How are you doing?Jim: I'm alright. / I can't complain. You?
Dear kit;I really appreciate your kind explanation!Strangers often say that?! Oh it is surprising!Thank you very much.I will say real answer only to my friends later on.Also your Japanese was very helpful.Thank you again and again.ありがとうございます。知らない人も言うなんて驚きでし...
Here are the final three paragraphs in the very short chapter: We stayed in the port town for four days because I liked it quite a bit. For four days, we did almost nothing. We just kind of shuffled between the movie theater (We sawBrazilthere, which was good), going on walks, admi...
are many different levels of social interaction in Japan, it’s easy to mess up a request and/or shock someone by making a sudden request. However, if you use an airbag expression to deploy a linguistic airbag before making the request, you’re much more likely to be successful and ...
“Are you well endowed?” “I beg your pardon?” I nearly choked. “Well, it’s just that I don’t know anything about my own sex drive yet,” she explained. “So I’d like to try lots of different things.” In Japanese, this reads: ...
大体の人は聞き返すと思います🗣 他の方もおっしゃっていますが、たしかに日本では「How are you?」にあたる言葉がないので、そもそもそんな会話はしない方が多いです 久しぶりに会った人となら A「久しぶり〜!元気だった?」B「元気だったよ!Aは?」↑みたいな会話はよくします 日...