What can be inferred about whales from Paragraphs 4 and 5?A. T hey have a poor sense of direction.B. T heir living environment is in great dangeT.C. T hey rely on the sunlight to direct themselvesD. T heir strandings are linked to different factors. ...
But it's important work, and if it holds, it might help environmentalists predict when they should deploy (部署) more observers in anticipation of live whale strandings. 1. What is the new discovery about? A. Why whales move to other parts of the ocean. B. The solar storms appear in...
This strongly suggests that most killer whale attacks on baleen whalestarget young animals, probably calves on their first migration from low-latitudebreeding and calving areas to high-latitude feeding grounds. This study suggeststhat adult baleen whales are not an important prey source for killer ...
In addition, for policymakers and the general public, the letter is meant to be informative, but not alarmist. We think it is very important, that everybody knows that AI researchers are seriously thinking about these concerns and ethical issues. For example, AI has the potential to eradicate...
How important are large whales as prey for killer whales ( Orcinus orca ) in high latitudes ? A proposal .How important are large whales as prey for killer whales ( Orcinus orca ) in high latitudes ? A proposal .Mehta, Amee VClapham, Phillip J...
Learn the facts about littering including what it is, types of littering, how it affects the environment, why people litter and how to prevent it.
How is phytoplankton important to whales?Phytoplankton:Phytoplankton are also known as marine algae, and they are very small, green organisms that are found in both saltwater and freshwater. Phytoplankton are green due to their green pigments known as chlorophyll. This chlorophyll functions to use ...
How do whales adapt to the marine biome? How long do coral reefs live? How many species rely on coral reefs? How do marine organisms adapt to tides? Are phytoplankton found in coral reefs? What two important functions do coral reefs provide an ecosystem?
The hidden power of whales Large animals, such as elephants and whales, are often referred to as ecosystem engineers. This is because as they go about their day-to-day business, these huge animals alter their environment in such dramatic ways that they help to create and maintain entirely new...
These tours are generally beneficial for whales, but they can also stress them out. Here’s how to ensure that your trip does more good than harm.