* "Tephra" and "pyroclastics" are generalized names used for particles of igneous rocks of various sizes that have been ejected from volcanoes. They are classified by size. The terms "ash" and "dust" communicate a specific size of tephra or pyroclastic particles. These are summarized in the...
How are sedimentary rocks formed in the rock cycle? How does magma from a magma chamber reach the surface? What provides clues about how igneous rocks were formed? How do metamorphic rocks change into sedimentary rocks? How does subduction create volcanoes?
is called acid rain. Snow, fog, hail, and dust can also be acidic. While acid rain can form around volcanoes, it’s usually caused by human consumption of fossil fuels. Acid rain can damage forests and other plants. When acid rain pollutes water sources like lakes and streams, it can b...
How long can volcanoes erupt for? How fast is Antarctica's ice melting? Which way does a pyroclastic flow move from a volcano? How fast is the Antarctic circumpolar current? How does magma form over an active subduction zone? What is the relationship between magma and lava?
small dike inflation in the order of 1 m may be sufficient to produce a ~ 90° stress rotation and thus rotated focal mechanisms, as observed at several volcanoes33,42,76,77,78,79; such stress perturbation is further promoted in the presence of highly viscous magmas41. The close ...
A polygon by definition is any geometric shape that is enclosed by a number of straight sides, and a polygon is considered regular if each side is equal in length. Polygons are classified by their number of sides. For example, a six-sided polygon is a hexagon, and a three-sided one is...
TDs are classified according to their operating status: active (Figs.3,4), abandoned (Figs.5,6) and restored (Fig.5, Table S-1). In addition, some tailings are discharged as they leave the flotation process and are separated by gravity when flowing inside the TD basins, while other tail...
Earthquakes exceeding magnitude Mw 4.5 were classified based on their moment tensors, with 60 events characterised by North-South (NS) oriented normal faulting, and 11 events by NS thrust mechanisms56. The seismic signals, recorded at up to 2500 km distance, with the closest station at ~...
How are planetesimals formed? Clouds are classified by their shape and What are three examples of cloud condensation nuclei? What type of thunderstorm creates mesocyclone? How do volcanoes grow? How were the Scottish Highlands formed? How do underwater volcanoes erupt?
Wild Nature Activities are associated with the Nature category extracted in the previous study, but the item related to caves/volcanoes went to a new category representing natural phenomena, better refining the proposed model, which was accomplished by the sample improvement. Wild Nature Activities are...