If NASA were to launch an interstellar probe powered by solar sails, it would take only eight years for it to catch the Voyager 1 spacecraft (the most distant spacecraft from Earth), which has been traveling for more than 20 years. By adding a laser or magnetic beam transmitter, NASA sa...
The little probes that could are about to leave the solar system, and even after 35 years in space, Voyagers 1 and 2 can still communicate with the home planet. As they careen deeper into interstellar space, however, this will only grow more difficul
The Sun's influence extends well beyond the orbit of its planets, so we launched spacecraft like the Voyager 1 and 2 probes and NASA's various solar orbiters to study the Sun's effects on the rest of the solar system. Voyagers 1 and 2 are on a one-way trip, sent forth to study ...
After 2 years the probes arrived at Jupiter 444 million miles from the Earth. The mission experiments and the cameras woke up. It was time to go to work. Jupiter’s rings Voyager is probably NASA’s most scientifically productive mission ever. One of the first discoveries was that Jupiter ...
NuclearAuxiliaryPower(SNAP)unitswereusedespeciallyforprobesthattravel farenoughfromtheSunthatsolarpanelsarenolongerviable.Assuchtheyare usedwithPioneer10,Pioneer11,Voyager1,Voyager2,Galileo,Ulysses, CassiniandNewHorizons.Inaddition,RTGswereusedtopowerthetwoViking ...