1.(how are; used to ask after someone) a.cómo están How're the kids?¿Cómo están los niños? 2.(how are; used to ask about something) a. no direct translation How're the wedding preparations going?¿Cómo van los preparativos para la boda?
How do you say do you have kids in Spanish? Dropping Pronouns: In English we have to use explicit pronouns like he, she, you and they. Spanish, however, is a pro-drop language, which means the pronouns are often optional because the verbs themselves are conjugated and let you know who...
Check out the volunteering scene in Europe: what's going on, how many people volunteer and how old are they? Infórmate sobre voluntariado en Europa: ¿cuál es la situación, cuántos voluntarios hay y qué edad tienen? So what the kids do depends first of all, how old are they—and...
摩登家庭第1季第1集台词 英文中文Kids, breakfast!孩子们吃早饭了Kids?孩子们Phil, would you get them?菲尔把他们叫下来好吗Yeah...
Vatican dress code. Cover your shoulders and try to avoid shorts and short dresses and skirts. We know that Rome gets hot in the summer, we suggest bringing a light scarf to wrap around yourself when you need to. Hats, food, and metal tools like knives and scissors are also ...
i am missing the a pu i am my life are goin i am never finished w i am nipponjin i am popular with my i am really sorry for i am running the bath i am so in love with i am standing right h i am the greatest i am the one star tha i am the sea lion i am there with ...
In order to ask 'How are you?' in Danish, we can use the expressionsHvordan har du det?(pronounced: /VOR-dahn hah du deh/), which literally means... Learn more about this topic: Denmark Lesson for Kids: Facts & History from
There are several words for 'baby' in Spanish. The use of one or the other depends on the country. Also, a grammar rule must be taken into account in order to use these nouns in the masculine or the feminine. Answer and Explanation: ...
When learning another language, there are many phrases that have the same meaning but are said in different ways. Asking someone their age is one example. In Spanish, a person is literally asked "How many years do you have?" Addressing someone in Spanish depends on if the speaker is addres...
Learning to count to 1,000 in Spanish is one of the most productive things you can do for your Spanish language skills. No matter what you do, you’ll find Spanish numbers very helpful in everyday life. Here are a few things you will be able to do once you’ve learned the numbers ...