Prindiville’s role is specific to multiport systems—the da Vinci X and Xi systems, and their associated instruments and cameras. “I have one foot in the factory, and the other in design,” Prindiville said. “We help ensure that we have tooling and production lines and process flows—...
Designs of valve systems to improve intonation such as those for 'compensating' and 'full double' instruments are described. The chapter concludes with a note on how instruments are assembled and can be finished by electroplating or lacquering....
Hall-effect probes are more expensive and sophisticated instruments used in scientific laboratories for things like measuring magnetic field strength with very high precision.Photo: 1) A typical silicon Hall-effect sensor. It looks very much like a transistor—hardly surprising since it's made in a...
The strings of a harp are made of a variety of materials, including steel, gut (derived from the intestines of sheep), and nylon. Each material has different properties which make it suitable for a particular length of string. The surface of a harp may be treated with clear lacquers or ...
There are many different types of condenser mics, and most of them are used for recording. A few are used for live sound applications such as overhead miking of choirs, pianos, acoustic stringed instruments, and certain percussion instruments such as cymbals. ...
Aliasing must be prevented before the measurement is made, otherwise, there is no way to recreate the real signal later. There are two ways to prevent aliasing: Always set the sample rate to be at least twice as fast as the highest frequency observed. (Sometimes this is not possible ...
instruments: a drummer might play with brushes or mallets instead of sticks; bassists can slap and pop (whether they should is another matter), woodwind players can use flutter tongue... In musical terms, as well as in sample library parlance, these techniques are known asarticulations, and ...
Once upon a time you'd have found gadgets like this only in space rockets or jumbo jets; now they're in virtually every car, many laptop computers, and all kinds of gadgets such as smartphones and games consoles. Let's take a closer look at what they are, what they do, and how ...
It should go without saying, butall-purpose cleaner products from the likes of Pine Sol, Windex, and soap aren’t made to be used on instruments, as there are harsh chemicals that could damage the paint and finish of your guitar.
In Asia,there are special competitions where kites have complex designs and are fitted with instruments that make musical sounds as the wind blows through them.Although all kites have a similar structure(结构),they are widely different in size and shape.Kitefighting competitions are also held,...