Bonuses can be subject to state income taxes as well. These tax rates vary by state. You typically have to pay payroll taxes including the 1.45% Medicare tax plus the 6.2% Social Security tax on the amount of your wages, including your bonus. However, the Social Security tax is limited ...
Understanding the basics of how property taxes are calculated, including how they're paid and whether they're tax-deductible.
Homeowners whoitemize their deductionson federal tax returns can often deduct property taxes paid on real estate. The deduction allows homeowners to reduce their taxable income by the amount of property taxes paid to state and local governments. However, the total deduction for state and local taxes...
Lottery winnings are taxable income at the federal level, just like money earned from employment. Some states exempt lottery winnings from state taxes, but most do not. Some tax is skimmed off immediately. The IRS requires that lottery agencies immediately withhold a 24% tax on lottery winnings...
School taxes are a necessary evil when it comes to owning a home or business. Homeowners have to deal with these taxes when paying their mortgage or living in their homes to help schools be built, managed and staffed. Considerations to make when determin
We’ll examine exactly how taxes are calculated and paid in Australia, breaking down each step so that you have a full understanding of the calculation process. From income deductions to filing deadlines, we’ll provide you with everything you need to know about getting your yearly tax returns...
The value of the goods, including freight and insurance fees, help customs to determine the duties and taxes and to clear your shipment. That's why it's essential to state the correct value on the commercial invoice. 货物的价值,包括运费和保险费,有助于海关确定关税和税费,并清关您的货物。这...
Keep in mind that these instructions only cover withholding federal income tax. Depending on where your employees live or work, you may also need to withhold state income taxes and local income taxes. Employers also need to withhold taxes for theFederal Insurance Contributions Act(FICA), which co...
Are property taxes deductible? Yes, property taxes could be deductible if the property you own is your primary residence or a vacation home. In those cases, if you itemize, you're allowed to deduct a combination of your property taxes and either your state and local income taxes or your st...
The key difference between taxes and duties is that duties are a type of tax on goods entering or leaving a country, while taxes are charges placed on almost all purchases. 税收和关税的主要区别在于,关税是对进出国的商品征收的一种税,而税收是对几乎所有购买行为的收费。