RECs are certificates issued by the government establishing ownership of renewable energy. One REC is issued for every 1,000 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of energy funneled back into the grid by a renewable source. PURPA requires that utilities purchase a certain amount of their electricity from ...
Once done, here are the instructions to undo the previous reconciliations: Sign in to QBOA. Find and open your QBO company. Go to the Accounting menu and then the Reconcile tab. Click the History by account link. Select the account and date range from the dropdowns. Find the ...
did not match the scan are released after the STATEMENT completes. ... This means that in READ COMMITTED transactions are free to update rows that they would not have been able to update (in REPEATABLE READ) once the UPDATE statement completes. Therefore: The more restrictive isolation level...
Hinted partial segments: the end of LL-HLS playlists can include EXT-X-PRELOAD-HINT tags that reference partial segments that don’t yet exist at the time when the media playlist is returned to the player. Requests to such predictive parts are then issued by the player. The origin w...
The processing should have a basis in EU or EU Member State law and does not require the law in question to be a legislative act adopted by parliament (Recs. 41, 45 GDPR). Nevertheless, the legal basis should be clear and precise, and its application should be foreseeable to persons ...
Sure, we know that electricity is technically a quantifiable resource. But it's a bit hard to conceptualize processes like buying and selling it because, well, we just can't see it. Renewable energy certificates, or RECs, help to bridge that gap. RECs are certificates issued by the governme...
Requests to such predictive parts are then issued by the player. The origin will hold onto the request until it can respond, resulting in the shortest time to partial segment delivery to the player. HTTP delivery optimizations: LL-HLS requires HTTP/2 on the CDN side in order to benef...
energy for grinding grain spread rapidly through the Middle East and was in wide use long before the first windmill appeared in Europe. Starting in the 11th century A.D., European Crusaders brought the concept home with them, and the Dutch-type windmill most of us are familiar with was ...
energy for grinding grain spread rapidly through the Middle East and was in wide use long before the first windmill appeared in Europe. Starting in the 11th century A.D., European Crusaders brought the concept home with them, and the Dutch-type windmill most of us are familiar with was ...