How is radioactive pollution created? Are all isotopes radioactive? Why do radioactive isotopes emit radiation? How are radioactive isotopes used in radiometric dating? How was californium created? How are radioactive isotopes used to detect health problems?
A Cyclotron is a particle accelerator that generates radioactive isotopes, necessarily for imaging routines during treatment or injury diagnosis. The cyclotron uses particles such as protons to produce radioactive materials. Answer and Explanation:1 ...
How radioactive isotopes are being used in the metallurgical industries of various comecon nationsNo Abstract available for this article.doi:10.1007/BF01122991V. I. SinitsynKluwer Academic Publishers-Plenum PublishersSoviet Atomic Energy
There are many types of radioactive isotopes that can be used with different half lives and different reaction processes. People may even think about creating and immediately using isotopes with very short half lives, which can release large amounts of high energy particles, as the particle ...
How do radioactive isotopes differ from isotopes? Atoms: All of the elements that we know to exist are listed on the periodic table. If you notice, the atomic masses of each element are different, and they are generally decimal values. This value is the weighted average of each isotope for...
Uranium is a naturally occurring element that has radioactive properties. All uranium isotopes are radioactive, but one particular isotope called Uranium-235 (U-235) is critical for providing nuclear energy and in nuclear weapons. The military has applications for U-235 in their weapons programs ...
I think of these probably-defunct devices as my own rough equivalent of nuclear waste, but instead of radioactive isotopes they may hold old personal data that I don’t want to see leak out. That’s “may” because unlike spent reactor fuel that we know has to be kept safe, these gadg...
the half-life is how long you’d have to wait for there to be a 50% chance that it will have decayed. Very radioactive isotopes decay all the time, so their half-life is short (and luckily, that means there won’t be much ...
The part that scientists didn't understand until about 100 years ago is that certain elements have isotopes that are radioactive. In some elements, all of the isotopes are radioactive. Hydrogen is a good example of an element with multiple isotopes, one of which is radioactive. Normal hydroge...
Homework Statement I learned that radio-decay is exponential; say if A decays to B with constant y1 and B decays to C with constant y2 and C is stable...