Analysis: Subtle differences in how polls are conducted can lead to seemingly contradictory resultsLAURIE HOWELL
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Market research can inform key business decisions by showing how customers will respond. ✓ Learn how to get the market insights you need to take action.
The Fox News polls where conducted Oct. 24-28 and surveyed 988 likely voters in Michigan, 872 likely voters in North Carolina and 1,057 likely voters in Pennsylvania by telephone, with respondents selected off the voter file. The margins of error for each survey are plus or m...
In CBS News polls conducted throughout the 1990s, the economy rating gap between the Democrats and Republicans — the difference between the percentage of each saying good — averaged 11 points. That average has more than doubled to 30 points since then. ...
The race is still too close to call, but people are clearly feeling confident. The wine and mixed drinks are flowing, and the energy is high — despite the cash bar. — Lauren Egan THE WEST Though polls might not be closing in Nevada and Arizona for ...
Another thing to bear in mind is that nominating contests are not conducted on a nationwide basis, as these polls are. They are state-by-state contests wherein the results from one contest influence the outcomes of later races. Momentum is real. Bandwagon effects are strong. If Trump...
Secondary research is the use of data that has already been collected, analyzed and published – typically it’s data you don’t own and that hasn’t been conducted with your business specifically in mind, although there are forms of internal secondary data like old reports or figures from pa...
CoSchedule and Buffer conducted research and found the most common words and phrases in highly shared headlines. Save Buzzsumo conducted another study where they analyzed power phrases that appear at the beginning and the end of the headline and how they influence shares. Here are the popular ...
Still, Trump's control of the narrative and political agenda is clear in how the South Carolina GOP electorate views both the state of the country and Donald Trump as a candidate. Voters express pessimism, if not downright anger, at the way things are going in the country — citingimmigratio...