And while most desert plants are short and dense, under the right conditions, they too can grow to be tall and lush.尽管大多数沙漠植物矮小密集,但如果条件合适,它们也能长得高大茂密。And there you have it. An oasis is formed.正如你所见,绿洲形成了。It helps to know also that the water...
In this chapter we turn to evolution as it is revealed by a magnifying glass: evolution in full action, happening at the taxonomic level of species or even lower, where processes, in principle, do allow experiments. On this level, as far as herbaceous plants in temperate zones are concerned...
Tissues are formed from a collection of cells, these are the cells that perform the same function in living beings. There are different kinds of tissues present in plants and animals. A group of tissues forms the organs. Answer and Explanation:1 ...
millions of years have turned layers and layers of tightly packed sediment, mud particles, sand remains of plants and animals into rock.But you're also gonna see some fascinating rock shapes, formations that are the result of the weathering and the erosion processes that occur at Bryce canyon....
to a new plant. Runners like strawberry reproduce through stems. Plants such as cacti reproduce when a part becomes detached from the parent plant. The detached part then starts a life of its own. The new plants produced by vegetative propagation are an exact copy of their parent plants. ...
The cork cambium is a layer of undifferentiated cells that produce the cork layer of woody plants. The cells also create the peridermis cells that form the epidermis layer just outside the cork layer.Answer and Explanation: The cork cambium is formed from a layer of meristem cells found just...
The two most important amides found in plants are asparagine and glutamine. These are formed from two amino acids, namely glutamic acid and aspartic acid. In this process, hydroxyl part of the acid is replaced by another NH2 radical. The reaction takes p
2棵树是这样嫁接的! This is how plants are grafted together … Graft, in horticulture, is the joining together of plant parts by means of tissue regeneration. Grafting is a way that a union will be...
How is peat formed? Understand how roots and leaves transport oxygen, carbon dioxide, and minerals vital to a plant's development Examine metagenesis and the roles of antheridia, archegonia, and the sporangium in the moss Mnium hornum How the vascular system works in plants How is biodie...
Just remember that there are two stages of life for cannabis, first the vegetative stage, and then the flowering stage (which is followed by harvest). Male & Female Cannabis Plants Cannabis plants have a gender. Each plant grows into a “male” or “female” plant. Although about half of...