State how plant tissues are categorized based on the functions they play. Describe the tissues and their functions for all the plant organs. What is one function that ground tissues provide for a plant? What are the three tissue systems of a plant and what are their function?
How are somatic cells in animals and plants categorized? How do cells use food energy to grow and reproduce? How do animals obtain energy? How does a cell's organelles help carry out the 6 characteristics of life? How do prokaryotes get food energy and reproduce?
To do this plants make effective use of many external agents such as wind, water, insects or higher animals. In order to track the many different series of strategies we need a measure to determine how much the same feature (i.e. fruit shape or diaspora mechanism) are different in two ...
Plants need to produce flowers to reproduce and, hence, survive. When the flowers bloom, they are pollinated, which results in the mixing up ofgenesfrom other plants of the same species. Eventually, the flowers develop into fruits that contain seeds. The seeds dissociate from the parent plant...
These plants let seeds fall to the ground as is, with no covering. Pine trees, which grow seeds in hard cones, fall into this category. In conifers like pines, these seeds are released into the wind once they mature. This spreads the plant's seed over a wider area. Hardwood Trees ...
Fiedler categorized leadership styles as tending toward either task orientation or relationship orientation. Task-oriented leaders are primarily interested in pursuing concrete objectives and meeting goals. For them, the end is more important than the means. Relationship-oriented leaders are primarily intere...
Under a favorable condition, there are many plants, which parts like the root, stem, and leaves develop into new plants; such process is known as vegetative propagation (see the image given below).Spore FormationSome plants and many algae undergo sporic formation (through meiosis cell division)...
CMP cells are a precursor to monocytes, which eventually differentiate into macrophages and dendritic cells, and also cells of the granulocyte lineage. The granulocytes are categorized as such because they have visible granules within their cytoplasm, and they include mast cells, neutrophils, eosinophils...
How are somatic cells in animals and plants categorized? Why do cells go through cell differentiation? According to the cell theory, where do cells come from? How do Schwann cells form the myelin sheath? What is the function of columnar epithelial cells?
(a) What are the growth tissues of plants? (b) How can they be categorized? (c) Where can they be located in plants? What is structure in plants that is responsible for transpiration? Describe three adaptations that make it possible for desert plants to survive with very little water. Ex...