Green beans aren’t just immature beans.When growing beans, any variety can be harvested young and tender, and it will be a delicious green bean, but manygreen bean varietiesare selected or bred for thick, meaty pods, no strings, and slow seed formation, to maximize the quantity and qualit...
Beans are fragile plants that are easily broken but also easily grown. They require little work aside from the occasional weeding. Beans must be planted after the last frost of the spring because the seeds will not germinate in colder temperatures. They are warm-weather plants that must be ha...
They were first thought to be consumed in Mexico and South America around 7,000 years ago. Some sources state that they originally were found and harvested in Peru during this time and then spread to almost every other nearby South American and Central American nation over the hundreds of year...
Because cauliflower must be harvested before the summer heat sets in, you have to start seeds indoors during winter. Container Growing If you intend to keep cauliflower indoors, you will need to transplant the young seedlings into larger containers. Use containers that are at least 8 inches deep...