Because of the well-known long-branch attraction (LBA) phenomenon [16], fast-evolving sequences tend to be artifactually attracted to each other in phylogenetic trees [17]. In the case of eukaryotic phylogenies, this is especially problematic when prokaryotic sequences are used to root the tree...
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Species boundaries are frequently hard to delimit based on morphology only, a fact which has called for integrative taxonomy, including additional sources of information such as molecular data, biogeography, behavior and ecology [1,2]. Founding a species description on a variety of characters from d...
Evolution of genetic diversity and Ka/Ksalong the preproalvinellacin gene and its corresponding coding sequence: (A) active alvinellacin is cleaved from a larger proteic precursor (i.e. preproalvinellacin). In contrast to all described AMPs, the preproalvinellacin family harbors the pattern of...
Fortunately, new technologies were emerging to answer that question. Scientists began to extract and sequence DNA from fossils; this meant researchers could compare ancient DNA to modern genomes and createfamily trees of the evolutionary relationshipsbetween living and extinct species. Such “phylogeni...
The family Phycodnaviridae encompasses a diverse and rapidly expanding collection of large icosahedral, dsDNA viruses that infect algae. These lytic and lysogenic viruses have genomes ranging from 160 to 560 kb. The family consists of six genera based in
This is the opening paper in the special issue of Fungal Diversity, which collates the data on defining species. Defining and recognizing species has long
True fungi (Fungi) and fungus-like organisms (e.g. Mycetozoa, Oomycota) constitute the second largest group of organisms based on global richness estimates, with around 3 million predicted species. Compared to plants and animals, fungi have simple body p
E. capillareis likely to be a species complex. More research with additional sequenced materials is needed to examine if there are morphological features that would allow for agreement with molecular phylogenies. Benthic hydroids are among the first to colonize virgin substrata (Boero and Fresi1986;...
Because PDIs are not phylogenetically related to their bacterial analogs in the Dsb family [111], plastid PDIs cannot be of cyanobacterial origin; rather, they must have come from the eukaryotic host. Phylogenetic trees recovered using different methods show similar topologies with two large eukaryotic...