There are those who warn that overconsumption of horseradish root will irritate the sensitive lining of the digestive tract; they suggest limiting use to a quarter teaspoon at a time. To them, we offer the remark of a Yankee octogenarian who has grown, processed, and eaten horseradish all of...
Later these peas are harvested and shelled. Field peas have smooth, hard seeds and are easily stored. Smooth seeds are starchy and are most often used whole or split into soups, stews, or cooked and eaten plain. Common field peas are either yellow or green and are grown specifically for ...
Learn how to grow an orange tree in your home garden. Learn which orange tree is best for your garden. Get helpful orange growing tips.
Discovered around 3,000BC, sunflowers were used by native Americans, the heads were harvested for oil and nutrient-rich seeds would be used as flour for bread. Today, both seeds and oil are still important foods, while the flowers make stunning additions to gardens. As cut flowers, they can...
50 percent of all commercial seeds are really controlled by four different companies—four in the world. And so one of the effects that that’s had, both in the United States and in Italy and around the world, is a dramatic constriction in the varieties of crops that are ...
Nut trees are incredibly lucrative for both their nuts and their wood, depending on the type and variety. Depending on how they are grown and pruned, they can be specialized for nut or wood growth. For example, walnut trees can be allowed to grow wide, which stimulates nut growth. These ...
Planting is arelatively easy process, there are just a few things to consider when deciding where and how to plant your newGaillardiaseeds or transplants. When to Plant They can be grown from seeds, including self-harvested and from seedlings purchased at a garden center. ...
Yes, rose hips are edible. What has more Vitamin C than oranges and tastes like a tangy apricot? Ripe rose hips. That’s why rose hips are probably our favorite edible part of the rose plant. Are rose hips a fruit?Like apples, rose hips are technically a “false fruit” since the ed...
blueberrytreevera.JPG blueberrytreevera.JPG Welcome to How Food Grows! We're passionate about educating people on how their food grows, from seed to table! -Vera Cole WELCOME! Our Inspiration...
As previously mentioned, wood ear mushrooms are nearly flavorless. However, they absorb the flavors of the foods they’re used in while providing a unique mouthfeel akin to a rubbery noodle. Harvested and cleaned wood ear mushrooms ready to be cooked and eaten. If you’ve eaten soups at Chi...