.GetCurrentClassLogger();// I'm attempting three ways here to turn off logging when the app is running in debug mode:// 1. The first line sets a value in the Global Diagnostics Context (GDC) of NLog.// In the nlog.config file, I retrieve this value using the $...
The system supports four user-defined shortcut keys and the default values are as follows: Ctrl+G: display current-configuration Ctrl+L: undo idle-timeout Ctrl+O: undo debugging all Ctrl+U: Null When defining shortcut keys, use double quotation marks to define the command if this com...
Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets let you create and manage a group of load balanced VMs. The capacity or number of virtual machine (VM) instances can automatically increase or decrease in response to a schedule that you configure or when performance metrics you define are rea...
There are two different configurations for IoT Edge devices in a gateway hierarchy, and this article address both. The first is thetop layerIoT Edge device. When multiple IoT Edge devices are connecting through each other, any device that doesn't have a parent device but connects directly to ...
b. If there are existing buckets the above step 2a. command will hang. If the command hangs,IN A SEPARATE TERMINAL WINDOW RUN THE FOLLOWING COMMAND: Raw $ oc patch -n openshift-storage noobaas/noobaa --type=merge -p '{"metadata": {"finalizers":null}}' ...
There are however convenience methods on the AeroMapper which can help map between Aerospike and Java formats.. For example:public <T> List<Object> convertToList(@NotNull T instance); public <T> Map<String, Object> convertToMap(@NotNull T instance); public <T> T convertToObject(Class<T...
Boolean values are used when the data is only allowed to be true or false — such as in the case of a product sale or authentication permissions. { "Sale":true } Null The null is a unique keyword that identifies a key that has not yet been assigned a value but is also not empty....
With REST being focused on exposing data, it might not be a good fit if resources are not naturally organized or accessed in a simple hierarchy. For example, returning all updated records from the past hour matching a particular set of events is not easily expressed as a path. With REST,...
Null: Predicates that use theIS NULLoperator test whether values in a given column are NullRange: Range predicates use theBETWEENoperator to test whether one value expression falls between two othersMembership: This type of predicate uses theINoperator to test whether a value is a member of a ...
It does a recursive call in flatMap, keeping track of the elements that have already been combined, and the collections of elements that are still missing, and offers the results of this nested recursive construction as a stream of lists: import java.util.*; import java.util.stream.Strea...