We find that MPs elected in plurality elections are on average closer to their respective median voter. In PR districts MPs are much more widely spread around the median voters' preferences.doi:10.1016/j.electstud.2011.10.008Simon HugDanielle Martin...
https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3940-7919tristan.claus@kuleuven.beTristan ClausView further author informationhttps://orcid.org/0000-0002-6159-3300Hans LeinfelderView further author informationhttps://orcid.org/0000-0001-5785-9631Maarten GheysenView further author informationhttps://orcid.org/0000-0003-...
Corporate rules are often analysed without attending to the strengths and limitations of the body making, monitoring or implementing those rules. However, corporate rule-making and implementation bodies (RMIBs) over which policymakers have the most influence—legislatures, public regulatory agencies, sto...
The House of Commons is the real centre of British political life because it is the place where about 650 elected representatives(Members of Parliament) make and debate policy.These MPs are elected in the General Elections and should represent the interests of people who vote for them . 3. Th...
Alternating between elected groups, Langley City and Langley Township councils, Langley school board, Langley MLAs, and Langley MPs each have a chance to participate. The answers provided will be published in their entirety online each Sunday. ...
But once in, s/he can surround themselves with whoever paid the most in campaign donations or is most brown-tongued, whether they were elected or not. Ok, the Senate can say "no" to those being put into official posts, if your lickspittles also run the Senate, all bets are off. On...
UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is betting that calmer economic conditions will get him reelected1 of 19 | “Now is the moment for Britain to choose its future,” Rishi Sunak said as he stood in heavy rain outside the prime minister’s residence. Sunak’s center-right party has seen...
There are, however, caveats to analysing the growth evident in these declarations. Why asset growth is hard to analyse Any analysis of the asset growth of MPs over five years must consider two types of income, said Harichandan of Anand Rathi Wealth Management: from house property (rental incom...
(No. 2) Act - as the vast majority of the country's ordinary citizenry and electorate, were either not even aware what their elected representatives were up to, or knew, but believed themselves subservient to their own MPs, and had no right, authority, or power to express any dissent ...
Last-minute lobbying in the New Zealand Parliamentary bar contributed to a campaign led by Tim Barnett who was elected to NZ parliament in 1996. He had come to NZ via the UK where he was known by the media there as ‘Britain’s first professional homosexual’, the first person to work ...