Most antibodies used by researchers are either polyclonal — a mixture of antibodies derived from the serum of immunized animals — or monoclonal, where a single specific clone comprises the entire antibody pool. Polyclonals are prone to batch-to-batch variability when different animals are re-immun...
Human monoclonal antibodiesconsist of 100% human antibodies and are made by inserting the genetic material of mouse antibodies into human antibodies.7 Monoclonal antibodies can also be produced using recombinant DNA technology, in which the genetic material of an antibody is transferred to a host cell...
Antibodies are important tools in the world of scientific research, especially for laboratory experiments. The reliability ofbothpolyclonal and monoclonal antibodiesis important to make sure you get accurate results altogether. This blog will delve into the key steps you need to take to validate antibo...
Monoclonal antibodies are antibodies specific to COVID-19. While they also originate in the blood of people who have recovered, that is only the starting-point. Scientists select the relevant antibodies, extract and expand them, and then manufacture them in large quantities for widespread use. No...
Obiltoxaximab: Obiltoxaximab is a lab-mademonoclonal antibodyused as an antidote foranthraxtoxins secreted byBacillusanthracis, after an inhalational anthrax infection. Obiltoxaximab binds to the protectiveantigen, the protein component that activates the anthrax toxins, and prevents the production of...
The immune system is a complex network of specialized cells that work in concert to protect against invading pathogens and tissue damage. Imbalances in this network often result in excessive or absent immune responses leading to allergies, autoimmune dis
Monoclonal antibodies are Y-shaped proteins produced by mature B cells. The term “monoclonal” denotes that the antibodies are made by identical immune cells that are all progeny of a unique parent cell. One of the functions of antibodies is to tag foreign invaders for elimination by the immun...
So-called monoclonal antibodies are to the antibodies in convalescent plasma what a laser is to an incandescent light bulb. Biotechnologists have learned how to identify antibody variants that excel at clinging to specific spots on SARS-CoV-2's spike protein, thus thwarting the binding of the vi...
Monoclonal antibodies Transplanted tissues, such as in skin grafts Insulin Stem cell therapy Immunosuppressants Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) These medicines are given as a shot or through an infusion into a vein. Biologics drugs are drugs made from living things. They can come dir...
In most placental mammals, the X and Y chromosomes contain short homologous regions (pseudoautosomal regions, PAR), which limit synapsis between them at the pachytene stage with the formation of short fragments of the synaptonemal complex (SC)7. There are no data for homologous regions of ...