Related:Mignon de couchete (lover), Mignon du pape (jesuits). + Moumoune Moumoune is a derogatory expression that we could translate as pussy, sissy, wimp, wuss, etc., and that is used to insult homosexual men as well as to attack to any man emphasizing his low masculinity. ...
How are Jesuits different from other priestly orders? Mark Shriver: Jesuits are fantastic teachers. They are extremely well educated and well trained. They are often referred to as "the Pope's Army," because they are always packed and ready to go. They are serious and they will challenge ...
There is no discernment anymore among Catholics. Apparitions are not our Faith. We need to pray to the Holy and Blessed Trinity for the truth in all things, learn your faith, your true orthodox faith, not this watered down heretical garbage that has come about since Vatican II and ask ...
How are Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X alike? How did the government respond to the Haymarket Riot? How was Jan Hus responsible for the Protestant Revolution? How did Bayard Rustin influence MLK? How did the Black Death affect the Peasants' Revolt? How were Catholics treated after the...
Recall Bergoglio’s first words from the loggia as “Francis.” You know that the duty of the conclave was to give a bishop to Rome. It seems that my brother cardinals went almost to the end of the world to get him. But here we are. ...
We labor for moral clarity on the point not so that we can say to sinners, “Keep out!” We are standing with our arms wide open saying, “Please, come in. Come to the waters of life available to any and every sinner who turns from sin to trust in Christ.” But we cannot make ...