How are Oedogonium and Spirogyra similar and different in terms of structure and methods of reproduction? Reproduction: Reproduction is a biological process in which multiple cells are formed from single parents. The mode of reproduction can be sexual and asexual. ...
Penguins, hawks, and sparrows are birds.Reptiles and amphibians are similar. Both of reptife them lay eggs. Snakes are reptiles, and frogs and toads are amphibians. Amphibians live on land and in the water.Fish live in the water. They lay eggs. They amphibian use gills to take in oxygen...
Although a frog and a human may not seem very similar, both humans and frogs need blood and blood cells to carry oxygen to their internal organs. However, there are several differences between frog and human blood, and observing these differences can make for an interesting project. You can ...
How many classes of amphibians are there? What is the major anatomical difference between reptiles and amphibians? What do amphibians and humans have in common? What is the difference between fish, amphibians, and reptiles? How did amphibians evolve into reptiles?
【题目】Read and Answer阅读短文并完成下面的题目。124How Are Animals Different?There arefve types ofanimal. They are mammal,birds, repiles amphibians, and fish. They are alldifferent from each other Mammals are animal ikedogs cats cows lionstigers and humans They givebirth to ive young And ...
Similar cloning occurs in grass, potatoes and onions. People have been cloning plants in one way or another for thousands of years. For example, when you take a leaf cutting from a plant and grow it into a new plant (vegetative propagation), you are cloning the original plant because ...
Millipedes are similar in appearance but while centipedes have a flat body, millipedes are more round and typically have two pairs of legs per body section. The most common species of millipede found in Colorado, the Allajulus londenensis, poses even less of a threat to humans. These creatu...
While there are other names sometimes used to describe the above and similar lighting issues, the basic idea to keep in mind is that light pollution involves too much artificial light (often because of poorly chosen light bulbs, arrangements and fixtures) shining at the wrong time of "day" an...
However, if you plan to add other animals to thedwarf frog aquarium, the ideal options would be loaches, bettas, and tetras. Bettas and these frogs are very compatible as they share similar preferences. However, smaller fish like gourami and guppies should be avoided. ...
If you have determined that it will likely be ok to try and “ride out” your dog’s diarrhea for 24 to 36 hours, then here are some home treatment options.RestLike humans, dogs need rest when they're sick. Set up a cozy recovery spot for your pup that's both practical and ...