The amount of drag is proportional to the airspeed of the hang glider: The faster the glider moves, the more drag it creates (see How Gliders Work for details). How a pilot maneuvers a hang glider As with soarplane gliders, the balance of these three forces (lift, drag, gravity) ...
The amount of drag is proportional to the airspeed of the hang glider: The faster the glider moves, the more drag it creates (see How Gliders Work for details). How a pilot maneuvers a hang glider As with soarplane gliders, the balance of these three forces (lift, drag, gravity) ...
You can be the best content for hand gliders. You can be the best content for rocket model, rocket built cores. If you don’t create a reason for people to get off the fence, they’re not going to do it. It’s the plain, simple truth. We tried it for two years. We tried [?
discus launched wing as in only 80ft or so. That sounds very possible. How do i know when i have 'hit' one? and then what should i do? put myself in a tight turn inside it? And then What type of plane thermals best? aside from wingloading but as in aspect ra...
Blue Condor, launched by Airbus UpNext, is taking a modified glider up to 33,000 feet – an extreme altitude for an aircraft that normally cruises below 10,000 feet – to analyse hydrogen combustion’s impact on contrail properties. The result of this an
Mathias Andriamisaina, Airbus Head of Zero-Emission Demonstrators ZEROe Towards the world’s first hydrogen-powered commercial aircraft Explore ZEROe
The Open Glider Network provides tracking information for gliders and other light aircraft, using data principally from FLARM (Flight Alarm) devices and OGN trackers, but also from sources such as FANET (Flying Ad-hoc Network) and PilotAware. Top Five Flight Trackers Flight trackers are available...
There are two other types that could be used which might actually add less weight to the model: a weight-drop (where nose weight or landing gear are dropped and attached to the tail via thread) and an air-brake type. This is usually seen on Hand Launched Gliders and a curved piece of...
of the major glider operations in Europe as well as the major one in Burma. The weight of arms, ammunition, food, fuel and number of medical evacuations is eye-watering as these values are incredibly large. Their immense nature underscored the need for gliders as the last link in the logi...
Unlike other gliders that resemble unpowered airplanes, hang gliders look like large kites. Other gliders are usually towed by a car a airplane or otherwise launched into the air from the ground. Hang gliders, on the other hand, are usually launched from a high point and allowed to drift ...