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How to Protect the Marine Environment The marine environment is crucial to the health and well-being of our planet. It provides a home for countless species of plants and animals, and plays a vital role in regulating the Earth's climate. However, the marine environment is under t...
As tires wear, the tiny plastic polymers and leachate that rub off them are likely to end up in water bodies and estuaries. Leachate is toxic to the aqua systems and causes a deadly effect on the organisms living in the water bodies, affecting their behavior and development. ...
How are corals affected by ocean acidification? Why are coral reefs located near the equator? Why are coral reefs considered delicate? Why is the genus Symbiodinium important to coral reefs? How are estuaries and coral reefs similar? Why is the Great Barrier Reef an important ecosystem?
And how do some people seem to effortlessly navigate this process, while others struggle? In the United States, public lands are accessible to everyone, in theory—but only if you know the inside baseball. We’re going to start at the beginning. Don’t hate the messenger but it’s easier...
The arrival of beaver dams in the Pacific Northwest’s Elwha River delta may have surprising benefits.
Ground water is among the Nation's most important natural resources. Shallow bedrock can be a benefit where solid foundation . Bedrock comprises the five bottom-most layers of the Overworld in a rough pattern, although the top four layers are predominantly flat bedrock with only rare gaps, rende...
Other scientists are conducting similar searches. Loren Davis, an archaeologist at Oregon State University, has cruised from San Diego to Oregon using imaging and sediment cores to identify possible settlement sites drowned by rising seas, such as ancient estuaries. Davis’ work inland led tohis di...
Great thinkers such as Perikles and Demosthenes spoke to the civil assemblies held at the Pnyx Hill. Today the Pnyx is an open-air theater for light and sound shows. Tourism is very important to people who live in modern-day Athens. Thousands of people come every year to see these ruins ...
With the use of water-saving techniques that eventually lead to low energy consumption, the planet can experience cleaner water and air throughout the year. It also leads to less water diversion from lakes, rivers, estuaries, and bays.