How were the Five Good Emperors chosen?Question:How were the Five Good Emperors chosen?The Five Good Emperors:The Five Good Emperors was a collection of members of the Nerva-Antonine dynasty which ruled from 96 to 192 AD. During the reign of these emperors, the empire experienced peace and...
How did Rome elect dictators during war time? How was the Roman Senate organized? How were conquered people treated during the Roman Republic? How did ancient Rome influence America? How were the ancient Romans influenced by the Etruscans?
"There are many sides of Mao. There are sides of Mao that are heroic. There are sides that are worshipped. There are good qualities of him. But there are other sides of him, especially toward his old age ... that generated those violent actions. There are many sides of him. Many si...
How are autocratic leaders chosen? Dictators can come to power in a variety of different ways. They can be elected (see below), beappointed by the resident ruling party or Communist hierarchy, or inherit their position from a deceased relative. Still other modern dictators seize power in a mi...
although I feel as if I have been from studying these guys for over 40 years. But think of a major party nominee all the way back to the time that Washington was chosen, 1789, who would have used this kind of language, who would have been so openly racist, would have been so brutal...
There are teachers from both inside and outside the teaching profession who tend to be very rigid about how they run their classroom. It is almost as if they are dictators over their domain. Yes you are in charge, and yes you need to make it clear to students you are in charge. ...
The forces used are all contributed by the member nations and form coalitions that serve the commanders chosen by the Security Council. The Charter spells this out as well: All Members of the United Nations, in order to contribute to the maintenance of international peace and security, undertake...
DUBNER: We shouldn’t downgrade the level of influence that your book has had. I could imagine many despots and dictators have read it. CIALDINI: So what I try to do is emphasize the ethical uses to make it difficult for people to try to use it in untoward ways. ...
I guess the fact is that Adobe by nature like others are dictators forcing stuff on people and they like it like that. I finally found what appears to be a standalone download (hmm not trusting Adobe any more they claim it does not have any extras ...
The first night we slept at her place, I had a terrible dream that I swallowed a snake and when I woke up I started feeling a movement in my chest and this lasted for 18 years! – I did all sort of xray but we couldn’t find anything. ...