Refining oil works in a relatively easy way.Crude oilis put into a boiler and turned into a vapor. From there, the vapor moves into a distillation chamber, where it is turned back into a liquid. Different types of oil are formed depending on the temperature they were distilled at. Gasolin...
To see examples of the structures of these types of hydrocarbons, see the OSHA Technical Manual and this page on the Refining of Petroleum. Now that we know what's in crude oil, let's see what we can make from it. Crude Oil Components On average, crude oils are made of the follo...
Petroleum companies are divided intoupstream, midstream, and downstream, depending on the oil and gas company's position in the supply chain. Upstream oil and gas companies identify, extract, or produce raw materials. Downstream oil companies engage in the post-production of crude oil and natural ...
Crude Petroleum undergoes the processes of fractional distillation. This process extracts various petroleum products such as the light distillates (LPG, gasoline, naphtha), middle distillates (kerosene, diesel), heavy distillates, and residuum (heavy fuel oil, lubricating oils, wax, asphalt), etc. Th...
Pour point measures the temperature at which the flow characteristics of a petroleum product are compromised. ASTM D97 is one of the most common methods used to measure pour points for crude oil. Sulphur Content The terms “sweet” and “sour” are used to describe the sulphur c...
However, alternative shipping fuels are increasingly entering the market such as e.g. liquefied natural gas (LNG) and hydrotreated vegetable oils (HVO). Hydrotreatment of vegetable oils is an alternative process to esterification to form paraffinic hydrocarbons similar to those found in petroleum-...
Headquartered in Eastern Pennsylvania, Petroleum Service Company (PSC) was founded in 1924 and incorporated in 1930. We are homegrown, yet international. You may know us as a local brick-and-mortar distributor of oil and lubricants, but we’ve grown to become much more than that.You...
Whether you're debating the need for oil independence or discussing the environmental impacts of oil drilling, there's no doubt about it: Oil is a hot topic of conversation. With so much of the conversation devoted to crude oil, the fate of more ordinary engine oils and petroleum-based lubr...
The present invention I provide a molecular-based method for correlating, estimating the oil and petroleum fractions and assay characteristics (various data) A method for characterizing the chemical composition of the crude oil, by the processor, for a given crude oil having a specific crude ...
It probes into enlarging the sources of petrochemical raw materials and seeking rational substitute means for petroleum resources so as to realize diversification of petrochemical raw industry materials.supports all the CNKI file formats;only supports the PDF format.关键词: petrochemical industry crude oi...