If you are not bound by state payday requirements, you can choose whichever pay period works best for you and your workers. Employees, especially those in low-wage jobs, usually prefer to be paid more often, but as your pay frequency goes up, so does your payroll processing costs. You’...
Payroll deductions are wages taken out of employees’ paychecks to pay for costs like payroll and income taxes, employee benefits, and more. They determine an employee’snet pay, also known as their take-home pay. Payroll deductions can also be voluntary or mandated: ...
U.S District Judge Lee Rudofsky determined, only the U.S. attorney general has that standing. Given previous Supreme Court rulingsnarrowing the Justice Department’s enforcement powersregarding the Voting Rights Act, Rudofsky’s ruling — if it stands — further hamstrings the law’s ability to...
When regular wage-earners go out and purchase something- whether a can of beer or a new car- they are taxed on their purchases, but because the wealthy buy stocks as part of larger companies, they are not charged taxes on those purchases. While the less you can earn, the more taxes yo...
Unlike a trial separation, the couple has at this point decided to separate permanently and assume there is no hope for reconciliation.6However, for whatever reason—perhaps due to health insurance issues, costs, or just inertia—the couple has not taken action to mark the separation in court....
The defendant will be arrested and taken to court. After which the following steps will be taken: The allegation of stealing will be read to the defendant The defendant will enter a plea The hearing will be determined The defendant will either be detained or let go on bail, depending on th...
Empirically, we focus on Germany, where revocation proceedings are separate from infringement suits and where, in court decisions during the period of 2010–2012, 45% of patents were determined to be fully invalid and 33% to be partially invalid. Based on data gleaned through expert interviews,...
Child care costs; Medical insurance premiums; Unreimbursed medical expenses; and Educational expenses; and Non-recurring payments from extraordinary sources. What the heck are non-recurring payments from extraordinary sources? Good question! Non-recurring payments from extraordinary sources are expenses that...
Some deductions, such as those for healthcare or retirement savings, are deducted before income tax is determined. Since this money reduces taxable income, there is an incentive to participate. Some employers may also deduct industry-related expenses, such as licensing, certification fees, or the ...
Once you’ve determined how much you’ll charge in late fees, give your clients a heads-up about the upcoming changes to your billing policy. You can do this by email, phone, or in person, but it’s essential that you have a discussion with each client and allow them to ask questions...