A number of the practices adopted by coalition governments overseas should be considered here, not just mid-term stocktakes but also in the negotiation and creation of the original programmes for government to permit greater flexibility later in their life. 展开 ...
An Improbable Coalition: How Businesses, Non-Governmental Organizations, Investors and Academics Formed the Global Network Initiative to Promote Privacy and Free Expression Online.This is an investigation into organizational motivations for participation in a multi-stakeholder initiative to protect online ...
Most respondents think the population is divided on the coal phase-out. Coal supporters blame politics and demand compensation from those forcing the chance. The state governments claim they are in need of money and are using restructuring funds for unrelated investments. What are the attitudes in ...
Build trust—While there is disagreement about some conceptual approaches to using NCS, there is general agreement on the need for NCS as part of a net-zero strategy as well as the urgency to provide new sources of finance for forests. A coalition of high-l...
While in the 1980s, CDU implemented a series of restrictive immigration and citizenship legislations, in 1992, SPD and CDU reached a compromise on a restrictive policy about asylum seekers (Triadafilopoulos2019). Later, SPD and Greens formed a coalition government, which passed comprehensive citizen...
Business Declares is a not-for-profit organisation formed of a coalition of senior leaders from businesses including The Body Shop, Pukka and Good Energy. Their aim is to collaborate to accelerate climate action right across the business sector. The group frequently shares resources, r...
Green Berets engage in a wide range of missions, including advising foreign governments, conducting direct action and reconnaissance, and performing humanitarian roles, all while operating under the motto "De Oppresso Liber," which means "To Free the Oppressed." Whether riding donkeys through the rug...
Yet after the 2021 elections, a group of ‘atmosphere parties’, whose leaders had nothing in common beyond the burning desire to unseat the long-reigning Netanyahu after repeatedly failing to do so at the ballot box, formed a rightwing-leftist-Islamist coalition with Naphtalie Bennett, leader ...
(then still the Lega Nord) and the post-fascist Alleanza Nazionale, i.e. the rebranded MSI. But outside Italy, that was mostly something that excited the anoraks. Conversely, when the Austrian ÖVP formed a coalition with Jörg Haider’s FPÖ, the other EU governments scaled down ...
Formal alliances, in the form of coalitions [102,103,104] also helped advocates harness structural power through different stages of the policy process. For example, the resources developed by the National Coalition to Prevent Childhood Obesity [105], formed in 2017 with support from UNICEF Argenti...