Why are empirical formulas used in chemistry? How are chemical compounds written? For example: O2. Does this mean that there are two atoms of O bonded together? Or another example: FeCl2. Does it mean that the iron has two atoms of Cl attached to ...
What are the processes in glucose regulation? How is the chemical reaction that represents anaerobic respiration in the yeast written? Explain how the fructose 2,6-bisphosphate regulates the balance between glycolysis and gluconeogenesis. How does this ensure that both processes do ...
Having a written budget gives you confidence in your personal financial strategy, which can help you dramatically lower your financial stress level. There are literally hundreds of apps and tools you can use to create a budget -- from good old pen and paper to phone apps and desktop solution...
Ask your doctor for a written emergency management plan. Share this plan with your child’s teachers. Inform others that your child is carrying an EpiPen. Always wear a medical band noting food allergies. Carry the name and telephone number of an emergency contact. If you are prescribed an ...
even if it seems to start from nowhere or makes little sense. Omit punctuation entirely, if it improves your flow of thought. Don't stop to correct yourself. Just allow one thought to flow freely from another. When you run out of steam, go back and read what you've written. You may...
AHAs are chemical exfoliants for your skin. While AHAs are effective, they can also make you more sensitive to UV rays. The FDA recommends using SPF to protect your skin from sun damage. Though generally safe, there have been reports of adverse reactions to AHAs, including irritation, ...
Written byPaul Frysh 1/17 What Are Essential Oils? They're made from parts of certain plants like leaves, seeds, barks, roots, and rinds. Makers use different methods to concentrate them into oils. You may add them to vegetable oils, creams, or bath gels. Or you might smell them, rub...
When temperature increases, the amount of atomic or molecular collisions between molecules increases. But the change in reaction rate with temperature is not just a function of the temperature; instead, temperature increases actually affect the rate constants (written k) of reactions in a predictable...
Written by Madeline Puckette Follow along to see how red wine is made, step-by-step, from grapes to glass. Surprisingly, not much has changed since we started making wine 8,000 years ago. How Red Wine is Made: Follow Along Step by Step Red winemaking differs from white winemaking in one...
“Among scientists are collectors, classifiers, and compulsivetidiers-up;many are detectives by temperament and many are explorers; some are artists and others artisans.” I’m basically an explorer. Even if exploration ...