Do charter schools improve student achievement? How does a charter school waitlist work? What are the pros and cons of charter schools? How does the federal government affect curriculum? How are teachers involved in curriculum? How is the Department of Transportation funded?
How are public schools primarily funded? How can charter schools improve public education? How does federalism affect education? Summarize Schmerber v. California. How does school choice, in Australia, operate similarly/differently to that of other countries around the world?
including private schools. “At its core, school choice is really about parents and guardians having the ability to choose, regardless of how those options are funded,” says Amy Smith, interim dean of the school of education
While meeting the needs of homeless students is a tremendous challenge, schools are also uniquely positioned to help, advocates say. “Schools, because children are their clients, can hone in on children as people,” said Barbara Duffield, executive director of SchoolHouse Connection, which advocates...
The Washington State Education Association and other groups are suing to block the funding of charter schools in Washington State. The battle over charters has gone on for years. There have … Dear Mr. Gates, Your Foundation contributions always seem to make for interesting prime time news. The...
Are there laws that you're concerned about? If our representatives only hear one side of an issue they are missing a lot. They need to hear more of our voices. A simple email and/or a phone call to the people that represent us South Dakotans in Pierre and Washington D.C. can be ve...
Addressing wellbeing at the community level, using a public health approach may build wellbeing and protective factors for all. A collaborative, community-owned approach can bring together experience, networks, local knowledge, and other resources to for
If, after reading this article, you conclude that you still want to open a university but don’t have the time or resources to do the job yourself, don’t despair. There are companies across the globe that specialize in opening schools for other people. The most credible ones are expensive...
By now it should be clear that starting a travel agency requires a strategic approach and lots of planning. But don’t worry if it feels overwhelming. At Bplans, we have a full library of business planning resources to help you get started. You can browse through our free collection ofover...
The Charter School Institute is the sole authorizer of charter schools in the state of Colorado. As such, this organization linked to the Colorado Department of Education holds charter schools in the state accountable for their performance.