In prior years’ exams, it was possible to pass the exam by only answering multiple choice questions because they were worth 75% of the grade. Today, the simulations are weighted at 50% of the score. Thus, you need at least some points from simulations in order to pass. Are All ...
the pair factors of 8 are (1, 8) and (2, 4). these pair factors when multiplied together result in the original number. 8 is also a perfect cube . we can determine the factors of 8 by the division method and prime factorisation method. what are the factors of 8? a number or an...
The next few exams I also passed, things were looking up. Not that grades really account for much, I feel like the grades are based entirely on intuition, there’s no marking scheme.For the first time in my life I’ve had oral exams, I had no idea what to expect, and I still don...
–Draw a curved line for the collar.–Draw a letter ‘s’ shape in between the feet.Finished Drawing of DoraemonErase guidelines and darken lines that you are going to keep. I hope that your Doraemon turned out really well. You can show off your robot cat to all of our friends. I ...