It is self-evident that consuming alcohol affects brain function and behaviour. What is not clear, however, is how alcohol does so. A new study shows that impairments in balance and motor coordination evoked by low-dose alcohol are mediated not by ethano
It is self-evident that consuming alcohol affects brain function and behaviour. What is not clear, however, is how alcohol does so. A new study shows that impairments in balance and motor coordination evoked by low-dose alcohol are mediated not by ethanol itself but by one of its metabolites...
A few seconds after your first sip, alcohol starts to change how your body works. After years of heavy drinking, those changes add up. Find out more from WebMD's slideshow.
Hormones affect sex drive, digestion, reproduction, and sexual function. Drinking alcohol alters hormone levels and can affect all these processes. If you drink heavily, you may notice it affects your sex drive, digestion, menstrual cycle, and ability to get pregnant. Men may notice difficulty wi...
How alcohol affects the body, specifically performance metrics like HRV, resting heart rate, sleep, strain and daily recovery.
A night of drinking might make you feel swollen all over. Alcohol dehydrates your body, which could make your eyes puffy. Be sure to drink plenty of water during the day to stay hydrated. Alcohol also can irritate your stomach lining. That may lead to a swollen, bloated belly. The soluti...
The body treats alcohol as a toxic substance that must be immediately metabolized or broken down into energy and waste products. “Most people assume that we pee out alcohol after we drink it,” she says. “But your body has to get rid of what we callacetate. That’s the byproduct of...
Whether it’s a glass of wine or a bottle of beer, drinking alcohol is a common custom throughout many different cultures. The drinking quotes below will show you how alcohol affects people from the inside and out. How has drinking alcohol affected you in the past?
conversation out loud about who’s driving home from a party and how you plan to make good decisions. If they hear you planning ahead, they’ll come to realize that’s what is expected of them. It’s never too early to model responsible behavior, especially when it comes to alcohol. ...
When the cells in your body metabolize, alcohol is converted into a toxic chemical called acetaldehyde (CH 3 CHO). Acetaldehyde damages tissue in the mouth, which can cause dental problems and mouth and throat cancer. As the alcohol trickles down into the body, it reaches the stomach, disr...