一个不着边际的文艺女战士.热爱自学的野生设计师.其他各平台同名@野仙ELSIE 【 公主号:设计师自救指南】设计师必看的20个TED演讲 (1/10) 自动连播 121播放 简介 订阅合集 无字幕纯享听力|设计师的外企敲门砖|TED演讲|英语学习语料|英语学习|设计师专属英语学习|How Airbnb designs for trust 15:51 无...
Joe Gebbia, the co-founder of Airbnb, bet his whole company on the belief that people can trust each other enough to stay in one another's homes. How did he overcome the stranger-danger bias? Through good design. Now, 123 million hosted nights (and count