Bigger air conditioners work a little differently: Central air conditioners share a control thermostat with a home's heating system, and the compressor and condenser, the hot side of the unit, isn't even in the house. It's in a separate all-weather housing outdoors. In very large buildings...
Air conditioning has fundamentally changed how people experience the world. When it's hot outside, walking into an air-conditioned house is like walking into another season. How do air conditioners keep us cool?
For more details, see How Air Conditioners Work. The short version is that air conditioning operates on a very simple principle: When a gas (in this case referred to as a refrigerant) is compressed, it becomes warmer and when it expands it becomes cooler. This principle can be used to ...
An air conditioner transfers heat from the inside of a room or building, where it is not wanted, either to the outside of the room or to the outside of the building. The laws of physics tell us that we cannot create or destroy energy (in this case heat) but can only transform it ...
Car air conditioners work much the same way as home and office ones, only they're a lot smaller. The chiller part (which incorporates an expansion valve and an evaporator) is mounted behind the car's dashboard, the heat dissipater (incorporating a compressor unit and a condenser) is ...
How Air Conditioners WorkWould you like to know how your vehicle’s air conditioner works? The system looks complicated, but it's really quite simple. Once you know how it delivers cold air you will be better informed when problems occur and how to fix them.What Does It Do?
Thewholeprocessisreasonablysimplewhenexplainedlikethat.Allairconditioningsystemsworkonthesameprinciple,eveniftheexactcomponentsusedmayvaryslightlybetweencarmanufacturers. Wehopethatexplainsalittleastohowthatlittle'A/C'buttonworksonyourcar,ifyouwantitexplainedalittlemoreindepththenifyourollupyoursleeveswecanshowyou...
If you're interested in learning more about air conditioners, there are many resources available online. You can find articles about how air conditioners work, tips on choosing the right air conditioner for your home, and information on how to maintain your air conditio...
A window air conditioner unit implements a complete air conditioner in a small space. The units are made small enough to fit into a standard window frame. You close the window down on the unit, plug it in and turn it on to get cool air. If you take the cover off of an unplugged wi...
Luckily, we have air conditioners(空调) to make ourselvescool in summer now. How did Chinese people in history staycool in the hot season before they had air conditioners?The most common(普通的) way people in ancient Chinakept cool was to use fans. Many fans had writings or drawingson ...