The term “filter bubble” should draw attention to the following problems of the pre-selected personalization: i) people are alone in their personalized information bubble, ii) the bubble is invisible; hence, people mostly do not know if and/or what kind of information about themselves is ...
For thousands of years, crop production has almost entirely depended on conventional agriculture. However, the reality is changing. The ever-growing population, global climate change, soil degradation and biotic/abiotic stresses are a growing threat to food production and security. Thus, sustainable al...
downloads/code +i18n_dir: :lang +skip_render: + +# Writing +new_post_name: # File name of new posts +default_layout: post +titlecase: false # Transform title into titlecase +external_link: true # Open external links in new tab +filename_case: 0 +render_drafts: false ...
9 BUffett Said as a kid, he was ShoWn that there are IOtS Of Other PeoPIe OUt there With Very di行erent circumstances. 10 I knew I had to make it On my own,“ he Said. This isnt about WeaIth Or money Or fame Or any kind Ofthat StUff. Its actually about VaIUeS and Something ...
{ + color: #6a737d; +} + +.markdown-body .pl-c1, +.markdown-body .pl-s .pl-v { + color: #005cc5; +} + +.markdown-body .pl-e, +.markdown-body .pl-en { + color: #6f42c1; +} + +.markdown-body .pl-s .pl-s1, +.markdown-body .pl-smi { + color: #24292e...