How Stuff Works (2008) Mojmir Prokes Self - Balneologist, Chodovar Brewery 1 How Stuff Works (2008) Jeff Arnett Self - Master Distiller, Jack Daniels 1 Made in a Day (2020) Scott Gudbaur Self - Vera Sun Energy 1 How Stuff Works (2008) Kendall Lamkey Self - Iowa State...
How Distilling Works A modern distillery kind of looks like it belongs somewhere in the Chocolate Factory (maybe adjacent to the “Fizzy Lifting Drink” room?): depending on what’s being distilled, there might be tall gleaming columns connected by a network of tubes, or massive, squat pots ...
Navy made regular use of solar stills to create fresh water, and the ensuing decades saw the advent of stills built into shipboard stoves. During World War II, desalination took another leap: The U.S. Navy constructed a land-based distiller on a Pacific island that churned out about 55,...
How Stuff Works: With Gabe Doran, Mike Senese, David Heber, Jimmie Oxley. HowStuffWorks is about the stuff that makes the world go 'round. It's truly incredible to see the ingenious lengths people go to in order to extract rubber and iron, corn and wheat
At the Tales of the Cocktail convention this year, I moderated a panel with three distillers who run column stills; one 5-column rum still, one continuous bourbon still, and one pot-column hybrid. John Jeffrey is the Head Distiller for Death's Door Spiri
This second distillation is needed to raise the proof of the distilled spirit a little further, and this can be done in a pot still because there are no longer any solids to worry about. The waste product of the doubler/thumper is additional water. ...
The limestone naturally purifies the water of iron, and this non-acidic, limestone-filtered water is used to cook the grains during this stage, making for a better depth of flavor in our finished product. Once the malted barley is added, we introduce our sour mash – a previously fermented...
How Beer Works By: Karim Nice A Pilsner glass HowStuffWorks Have you ever wondered what "malt" really is, and how you get malt from barley? And what about hops, and why do we need yeast? Barley, water, hops and yeast -- brewers combine these four simple ingredients to make...
Base Tier: Member Second Tier: Mixologist – 3,000+ points / year Third Tier: Master Distiller – 6,000+ points / year Please note: Customers in the UK are not eligible for Bartesian Rewards at this time. Do Capsules Expire? The dating on the packaging is a presentation guideline that ...
In addition, Austin has a number of small-scale experiments in the works, driven mainly by things she loves like apples and white whiskey. (She knows she’s out on a limb with the latter.) There may be some upcoming collaborations with brewers and other producers, too. ...