Most of us know thesigns of a heart attackwhen it happens: discomfort in the chest that doesn’t go away, unconsciousness, and abnormal pulse or breathing. However, there are some symptoms that can manifest about a month before a serious heart attack takes place. Being aware of these signs...
A widowmaker heart attack happens when a key blood vessel -- the left anterior descending artery -- is blocked. The LAD provides about 50% of the blood to your heart. This type of heart attack has a higher risk of being fatal. The symptoms are the same as any other kind of heart att...
Banderas said a very personal experience helped him shape the character. "I had a heart attack two and a half years ago, and it was useful for this movie," Banderas, 59, told Travers. "We actors we use everything that happens in our personal lives, and we apply that to our c...
Heart attacks can be sudden and intense, but most start slowly, with mild pain or discomfort that gradually worsens over a few minutes. These episodes might come and go several times before the actual heart attack occurs. A heart attack happens when the blood flow that brings oxygen to the ...
Heart attackscan also have “vague, non-specific symptoms, like you just don’t feel right, or having a feeling of impending doom,” Saxena says. “Almost 15% of patients have no symptoms, so they never know they’re having a heart attack. That’s more common in elderly people and tho...
A heart attack, also known as a myocardial infarction (my-oh-CARD-ee-ull in-FARK-shun), happens when blood flow to the heart is blocked or restricted. Less blood means less oxygen, and that leads to parts of the heart muscle dying. “That is why we say time is muscle,” said Gang...
Stress happens. But unfortunately,high stress levels can lead to heart problemssuch as irregular heart rate and rhythms, increased blood pressure and reduced blood flow to the heart. Also, the ways people cope with stress aren’t always the most heart healthy – like eating too much of the ...
"Although there are many sources of this enzyme, our study showed that heart muscle itself is actually making this protein too and is acting against its own self-interest in doing so," Anderson says. "We don't know why it happens, but inhibiting CaM kinase can prevent it." The MMP9 en...
The following is what happens if you’re one of the next people whom extreme heat kills, according to W. Lawrence Kenney, an expert in human thermoregulation at Penn State University. First, your brain sends a series o...
To see how this works, consider what happens when you experience an anxiety attack. You experience real fear, make no mistake about that. Pay no attention to those who say "it's all in your head", because it's not. They usually mean well, but the phrase is misleading and unhelpful. ...