Hoveyda-Grubbs complexes with boryl anions are predicted to be fast metathesis catalystsMetathesisCatalysisDensity functionalN-heterocyclic carbenesBoyl anionsA series of potential metathesis catalyst based on Hoveyda-Grubbs ruthenium system with the N-heterocyclic carbene replaced by N-heterocyclic carbene ...
244 The conversion of each olefin to a product was checked over time by 1H NM4Rofs1p1 ectros- Tchopeyc,oannvdertshieoncoorfreesapcohnodlienfignktioneatipcrpordouficlteswaarsecshheocwkendinovFeigr utirmese3bayn1dH4.NFMorRRsCpMectorfoCs-, caollpyp,raecnadtatlhyestcsorsrheoswpoenddsinimg...
Soof laid r-apnhgaes eoof rbgiaonloicgiscyanlltyh eisnitse(rSePstOinSg) , sintriuticatlulyreuss [e3d3–in35p]e. ptide chemistry, is now broadly applied to the preparation of a range of biologically interAesptianrgt fsrtorumc touurer sw[3o3r–k3,...