在Tailwindcss中,它的等效类是`cursor-pointer'。 - dev.sochokuchnaya.com 1 .para{ color: black; } .para:hover{ cursor: pointer; color: blue; } 在上面的HTML代码中,[:hover]用于表示以下样式仅在悬停或将鼠标光标放在其上时应用。 CSS中有几种可用的光标类型: 查看下面的代码以了解光标类型...
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions 4 ...ews/hover-card/main/tailwind/index.svelte → ...s/link-preview/main/tailwind/index.svelte Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ import { createHoverCard, melt } from '$lib/index.js'; import { ...
我使用TailwindCSS和DaisyUI (通过CDN)。 使用DasiyUI Dropdown时,有没有办法改变下拉菜单的颜色?这包括下拉菜单本身的背景色,然后悬停在项目上(CSS :hover),然后单击它(CSS :active)。 ? (单击时) 到目前为止,我已经能够更改dropdown本身和悬停时的背景颜色。
If they are, it would seem easy enough for them to add their custom use case with onMouseEnter and onMouseLeave. But open-on-hover seems like a core-adjacent feature if not a proper core feature for Headless UI. I know I personally was missing it from the Tailwind UI flyover menu ...
More Of Our Projects t0ggles Your ultimate multiple projects management tool Framework7 Full featured framework for building iOS, Android & desktop apps Swiper Most modern mobile touch slider Konsta UI Pixel perfect mobile UI components built with Tailwind CSS...
For my website, I have incorporated Bootstrap and included a link that opens a new tab. When I use my desktop browser, the link retains focus (becomes red) even after I have closed the tab, without having to move my mouse pointer in the window. ...
The duration from when the mouse leaves the trigger or content until the hover card closes. defaultOpen false false The open state of the hover card when it is initially rendered. Use when you do not need to control its open state. ...