Houston's leading oil and gas headhunters, Qualitec Consulting Group. We specialize in recruiting for oil and gas manufacturing, upstream energy exploration and production. If you are an employer in the oil and gas industry looking for quality employee s
Houston-Based Oil-Gas Companies Blame Prices for Losses.Davis, Michael
Houston, known as the "world oil capital," is the center of energy and petrochemical industry in the United States. Among the top 200 listed oil and gas companies in the United States, 45 are headquartered in Houston. In addition, there are over 5000 companies engaged in energy related busi...
Based in Houston, Gaston & Thanheiser, P.C., offers experienced oil and gas law aid to the energy industry. Call 713-963-9988 for a consultation
Potrerito Services in Houston is an oil and gas service company helping oil and gas producers with oil field support and technical services.
Appalachian Focused Tech Op Economic Adaptability Strategic Mindset Partnership Environmental Stewardship Slide tribune-resources-oil-acquisition-home-bkgd.jpg Tribune Resources Announces New Career Opportunities Tribune Resources Launches New Company Website Slide...
Sabine Oil & Gas LLC actively engages in the acquisition, exploration, development, and production of oil and natural gas. To date, Sabine has invested nearly $1B in strategic business development efforts and an aggressive drilling program.
Leader in energy transition strategy in North America who works closely with oil and gas companies, chemical companies, and investors to scale up new products and shift portfolios; focuses on circularity, biofuels, bio-based materials, battery materials ...
Pioneer Exploration LLC Oil and Gas Company in Houston TX
An array of oil pumps operate outside of Tarzan on Sept. 15, 2023. Oil and gas companies released less methane during the extraction phases, according to a new report. But critics of the industry are skeptical. Oil companies leaked less methane in West Texas, a new report says. Environment...