By the time Odysseus reaches 33 feet above the surface, the main engine will have throttled down to the planned landing velocity of just 2.2 mph — walking speed for senior citizens. A graphic representation of Odysseus mission highlights, from launch to landing on the moon.Intuitive Mach...
That announcement hilariously generated severalensuing Chronicle articlesfretting that Senator Whitmire’s proposal would likely derail Judge Emmett’s Dome Parking Ramp project because, well, uh, Harris County citizens already decisively voted against a similar — albeit more expensive — plan for the Do...
William David, administrative director of Ben Taub's Emergency Center, said Harris County has developed a popular program, the Trauma Nurse Specialist Track, that includes on-site classes, conferences and the opportunity for nurses to spend time with the trauma team, in the operating room, ...
One step the city and county can take is creating new green infrastructure (and protecting the amount that already exists) that can soak up excess rain. The lowest, most vulnerable areas, some argue, shouldn’t be used for housing or other development. “Those should be green spaces,” says...