The users of Scimago Journal & Country Rank have the possibility to dialogue through comments linked to a specific journal. The purpose is to have a forum in which general doubts about the processes of publication in the journal, experiences and other issues derived from the publication of paper...
making them great places to meet new people when students are far from home. Living in university housing can help students transition from living under their parents' roof to living on their own. The colleges and universities on this list had the highest percentage of ...
By installing a passage connecting each cavity at the upper part of the partition membrane, the molten resin and the water flowing through the inlet are sequentially introduced into the overflow housing while passing through the respective cavity, thereby providing frictional force and Since the resist...
$$\begin{array}{lll}L &=& E_0\mathop {\sum}\limits_{t = 0}^\infty \beta _t\left[ U\left( {CON_t,H_t} \right) + \lambda _t\left( Y_t + B_t + \left( {1 - \delta } \right)P_tH_{t - 1} \right.\right.\\ && -\, \left.\left. CON_t - P_tH_t - R_...
As housing takes the biggest share of households' total assets in Korea, it seems to be natural for retirees to downsize their houses. However, there is no consensus in the housing literature on housing downsizing, and the debate is still ongoing. In order to understand whether or not ...
Wenn zwischen einer elektronischen Schaltungsanordnung, in der Regel mit Kupferbahnen und einer Abschirmung, meist aus Aluminium, elektrischer Kontakt herzustellen ist, verwendet man üblicherweise Leitkleber oder spezielle Pasten. Dadurch können auch bei unverträglichen Metallen, wie Aluminium ...
For example, cities and counties are empowered to control development by the adoption of land use plans and zoning,building and housingregulations. 舉例而言,各 縣市均 獲賦權以土地用途規劃和分區,以及制定屋宇 及 房屋規例等方式 ,進行發展管制。
• U wordt geadviseerd Sony-accessoires te gebruiken die zijn ontworpen voor de kenmerkende eigenschappen van dit toestel en de apparatuur die erin zit (camera, batterij enz.). Gebruik van producten van andere fabrikanten kan ertoe leiden dat deze niet naar behoren kunnen functioneren,... Mrs Regina IP voiced her views on many areas: First, she asked if various industries in the Hong Kong economy had alreadybeenhollowedout. 葉劉淑儀議員提及很多方面的意見:首先,她問及香港不同的經濟 行業是否已被淘空。
The market expectations of rising stock price and rising housing price will cause continuing bubble phenomena, while the expectations of lowering stock price and housing price will continue to lower actual stock and housing price. 美國次級房貸以及日本不動產的泡沫化現 象起因於過度的貨...