" said Joel Kan, MBA’s associate vice president of economic and industry forecasting. "Tight housing inventory, obstacles to a faster rate of new construction, and rapidly rising home prices continue to hold back purchase activity."
which is an extension of the impact of housing estates on the neighborhood attributes. The proximity to urban functional zones represents the time cost and expense burden of reaching potential destinations to obtain urban services, such as medical service, educational resources, and ...
2 The Housing Indicators Program, http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTURBANDEVELOPMENT/Resources/336387- 1169578899171/rd-hs7.htm. Also see Shlomo Angel, Housing Policy Matters: A Global Analysis. Oxford University Press, 2000. 3Indicators of Sustainable Development: House Price to Income Ratio: ...
The last year has been a complete waste of time and resources as the government and the banking cartel conspired to prop up prices through taxpayer incentives and the Federal Reserve printing a lot of money. Delinquencies and foreclosures are rising, inventory is creeping up, and resale volume i...