By applying these multiple means, it is expected that the high housing prices can be lowered and Chinese public can really benefit from the economic achievement. 【小题1】When it comes to housing price in China, many ___think it reasonable. A. property developers and ordinary people B. pr...
A. The government should take useful measures to reduce the high housing prices.B. There are some bubbles in Chinese real estate market.C. The average housing price in China is even higher than that in the US.D. Chinese government issued a set of policies that aimed to benefit the public...
By applying these multiple means, it isexpected that the high housing prices can be lowered. 1. What is the average housing price per square meter in China? A. 8000 yuan B. 10000 yuan C. 7000 yuanD. It's not mentioned here 2. Which of the following does NOT support the idea ...
By applying these multiple means it is expected that the high housing prices can be lowered. 45. What is the average housing price per square meter in China? A. 8000 yuan B. 10000 yuan C. 7000 yuan D. It’s not mentioned herew* 46.Which of the following does NOT support the ...
At the beginning of 2007,Chinese government issued a set of policies that aimed to benefit the public. Now in order to reduce the high housing prices,the government can regulate the real estate market by raising tax on property industry and controlling the release of loans and lands to propert...
By applying these multiple means, it is expected that the high housing prices can be lowered. 1.What is the average housing price per square meter in China? A. 8000 yuan B. 10000 yuan C. 7000 yuan D. It’s not mentioned here 2.Which of the following does NOT support the idea ...
By applying these multiple means it is expected that the high housing prices can be lowered. 1. What is the average housing price per square meter in China? A. 8000 yuan. B. 10000 yuan. C. 7000 yuan. D. Not mentioned. 2.Which of the following does NOT support the idea that the...
China’s large and medium-sized cities, housing prices in some developed countries than foreign slightly lower, but thewages(工资)of people earning a salary of only one-thirtieth of Americans, Japanese 1/25, many people without food or drink may be a lifetime in order to afford a house. ...
Housing Prices In China Are Falling FasterChris Pash
Overall housing prices in China in November remained stable but the growth has been slowing down with the housing prices continuously falling, while the domestic development investment in the property sector from January to November grew by 6 percent, newly released data from the National Bureau of...