a central planners’ mentality (government knows best how many houses should be built etc) and a cast of mind from The Treasury that seems astonishingly more sympathetic to big-end-of-town corporate welfare handouts and ministerial discretion than would have seemed even remotely plausible in the ...
Renters have to move. (Often at the most inconvenient times.) Pay nonrefundable agent fees. Pay for the cost of moving (trucks, cleaning, double rent etc) over and over again. Sneak away from work to view houses because viewings are only ever during business hours. And you’ll have to ...
It is true that houses are built to very different financial limitations in New Zealand and the priorities of homeowners are not quite the same as of those in Europe or the US. Accepting these facts is the first step in understanding the nature of the New Zealand housing market, as you ...
One of the first matters for the new housing department to settle was where to build the state houses. The people in greatest need of rehousing were the urban poor living in what Lee called “the rotten core” of New Zealand’s cities. The government, promised Lee, would dig out the ro...
PRIME Minister John Key is playing down findings of an OECD report which rates New Zealand houses among the most expensive in the world.The paper published by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development this month ranks New Zealand's house prices the second worst in the developed...
they should focus on removing the restrictions that are preventing the supply of housing from keeping up with demand. They believe New Zealand’s long-term housing shortfall could be between 40,000 to 130,000 houses, and they identify a range of restrictions that are exacerbating the problem in...
Japanese Houses: Rent, Buy, or Build – Introduction Vehicles and Getting Around in Japan How to Buy a Used Car in Japan Essential Expat Recipes: If you can't buy it, make it! Pumpkin Pancakes Recipe Holidays: Japanese, American, and a few in between ...
https://www.tewhatuora.govt.nz/keeping-well/for-families-and-children/healthy-homes-initiative/ Google Scholar 8 K. Witten, M. Wall, P. Carroll, L. Telfar-Barnard, L. Asiasiga, K. Scott The New Zealand rental sector [Internet] Massey University SHORE and Whariki Research Centre with the...
to ‘pent-up’ demand but the broader market ‘is generally in a bad condition.’ He noted that while prices in Nedlands have risen 15 per cent over the past year, he recently re-sold three properties in the area for 10 per cent less than he sold the same houses for a decade ago....
The 6th Annual Demographia International Housing Affordability Survey reveals how unaffordable houses have become. The traditional way of life is thus being slowly crushed under the bureaucratic iron heel of high-density. Single-residential communities are becoming a threatened species. Previously attractive...