The Housing First (HF) Model which underlies Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) and Rapid Re-Housing (RRH) has become preferred over treatment-first models. Methods and results: We provide an overview of PSH and RRH studies to date and summarize our current understanding of their utility for ...
Housing First programs, such as rapid rehousing, are a well-established approach to addressing homelessness among adults, yet there remains a lack of research demonstrating the ability of such services to effectively promote housing stability among youth. Given the paucity of work examining the ...
Schulte, Brigid
Cunningham, Mary, Sarah Gillespie, and Jacqueline Anderson. 2015. Rapid Re-housing: What the Research Says. Washington, DC: Urban Institute.Cunningham, M., Gillepsie, S., & Anderson, J. (2015) Rapid re-housing: What the research says. Washington, DC: Urban Institute....
Rapid rehousing (RRH), a programmatic approach that seeks to help households currently experiencing homelessness quickly regain stable housing, has garnered increasing attention over the past decade in the United States and internationally. However, there has been no attempt to assess evidence of the...
Through this inquiry, the following research question was explored: What strategies can YES adopt to strengthen rapid rehousing, while still addressing the complex needs of clients? To address this question, four youth clients, eight YES shelter staff, and three individuals from an external ...
TRENTON, N.J. -- Two years ago, Jenaie Scott had a $20 an hourcleaning job, which was plenty to...Statelineorg, Tim Henderson
Executive SummaryProgram OverviewEvaluation MethodologyResults Conclusions ReferencesRyan VerWysExecutive Director
Organizational Differences in the Implementation of the Homeless Prevention and Rapid Rehousing Program in North Carolinarobust adaptive controlsigma-modificationglobal asymptotic convergenceBendixon's criterionHomelessness continues to be one of the most challenging social problems across the United States. ...