Housing first österreich“Neues Zuhause für über 1.000 wohnungslose Menschen. APA-OTS, 13 Nov 2023. https://www.ots.at/presseaussendung/OTS_20231113_OTS0045/housing-first-oesterreich-neues-zuhause-fuer-ueber-1000-wohnungslose-menschen#:~:text=Das%20neue%20Projekt%20der%20BAWO,%E2%80%9...
The first part of the study, i.e., separated pair housing of male mice, has already been published. Material and methods of the second part of the study, i.e., separated pair housing in female mice, are partly identical16. Ethics All animal experimentation was approved by the Berlin Stat...
Schlussbericht über die von der TSB Innovationsagentur Berlin GmbH verantworteten Teilvorhaben im Verbundprojekt Flughafensicherungssystem (FluSs)... Förderkennzeichen 被引量: 0发表: 0年 Sealing device for fluid substances has design break point provided between top and source of origin sealing...
There are similar projects run by women in other contexts, such as Mujeda in Uruguay or Frauenwohnprojekt Ro*sa in Vienna. 1.2. Cooperative Housing and Health: What Is Known? Despite the increase in the number of cooperative housing projects, research on the health effects of these models ...