波士顿房价预测数据集uci-housing 1 uci-housing数据集是一个经典线性回归的数据集,它包含7084条列表数据。这些数据被分为506组,每组数据表示一幢房子,每幢房子都有14个属性,其中前13列用来描述房屋的各种信息,最后一列为该类房屋价格中位数。 宇 宇宙骑士 4枚 CC BY-SA 4.0 机器学习 41 35 2024-09-19...
I created a machine learning regression model that predicts housing prices in Boston. This model is created using supervised learning from a dataset created by UCI (University of California, Irvine). machine-learning supervised-learning prediction-model boston-housing Updated Dec 9, 2020 Jupyter Note...