Supply-side determinants were dominant before 1900 and again after WW2, especially construction costs and new housing supply. In the post-WW2 period, reconstruction and a baby boom greatly contributed to housing price growth. Hanck and Prüser (2020) examine housing prices in Germany using Bayesian...
So after my “bearish” points (i prefer to be agnostic and data driven), I would argue that you should continue to rent for at least several more years to come…this is another point that I should have made…rents in many areas are half or less of what a mortgage payment would be ...
Between World War I and II, Romania was largely a rural country, but Bucharest enjoyed real estate boom, lots of apartment blocks with Art-Deco theme were built, about 600 of them being Ground+5 or taller, tallest being Ground+12f, turning streets into canyons, maximum façade height was ...
the bank comes after you for the difference and costs. You now have to file a proposal (basically restructure) or bankruptcy. The bank is probably 1st up to be paid out. Quite frankly, it would be less costly all the way around to step up and you will have to do it anyway...
After all, no one wants to buy a house now only to see it drop in value as soon as they move in, or maybe even before they take title. At the same time, though, people are buying houses, and according to the latest figures from the National Assn. of Realtors, first-timers are ...
I’ll be back to flowering green shoots on the house again after a few weeks. Anyone wonder if Chairman O and the Congress Critters will come back from vacation. I would hate to interupt their land of the unicorns, pie in the sky, rose colored beer goggles, page molesting time off but...
The stupid statements made in a boom never cease to amaze me. It never ends. Stupid people either have really bad memories or they are so stupid they cannot see that history is repeating itself over and over again. How were we as a species able to survive with the inabili...