In addition to the guidance, a good practice guide is included at Appendix A which offers advice to local authorities on how Discretionary Housing Payments can be used to provide support to customers affected by some of the key welfare reforms, including: introduction of benefit cap; introduction...
These mechanisms are being investigated as important secondary outcomes in BATH-OUT-2 because they are of significant interest to adult social care funders and may be different to the ways in which bathing adaptations benefit people with physical impairments only. BATH-OUT-2 therefore fulfils the ...
This willingness to support other programs, often with no direct benefit to the staff member, showcases staff’s dedication to their work and one other. In this way, the support that staff provided to one another, both within and across teams, was a major reason why the agency was able t...
. Since conducting this analysis, New York State has legalized marijuana use. PHAs in states such as New York may now have the authority to adapt their SFH policy to include marijuana. HUD should consider modifying their guidance documents to offer support to PHAs that exist within a range of...
Luo, J.; Huang, L. Spatio-temporal dialectical and value resetting: Consideration and discussion about the renovation of old urban community in China.Urban Dev. Stud.2022,29, 84–92. [Google Scholar] Maslow, A.H. A theory of human motivation.Psychol. Rev.1943,50, 370. [Google Scholar]...
Therefore, this model could directly benefit local dwellers by guaranteeing their safety and quality of life and contribute to the formulation of rural house management strategies. 2. Theoretical Background Research into house risk management can be found eminently in the literature. For investigations ...
Sustainability 2023, 15, 5831 drop, modifying the window size may also bring an additional benefit when combined with the previous construction elements [48,49], following the same rationale presented in Equation (2), in which the airflow volume is directly related to the useful area of the ...