In a previous project (2021–2023), 566 dwellings were mediated, benefitting 1.146 persons (BAWO, 2024). Until a recent change in regional legislation, the requirement of 5 years of residence within the municipality constituted an additional access barrier. As the major tenant unions pointed out...
more and more households tend to be formed. That is, as a given household head ages, the size of the household (in terms of people) tends to become smaller and smaller, with children moving out and couples separating because of divorce or death,” the economist added… ...
Following the 1991 benefit cuts and the increase in state rents, Lillian faced the prospect of paying $99 a week in rent, leaving her just $30.81 to live on. She found herself in a catch-22. Her new rent was for a two-bedroom unit, and she was now entitled to only a one-bedroom ...
This means that SOGI asylum claimants may now benefit more easily, always as individuals rather than as a group, from services addressing their specific needs.Footnote 5 However, whether or not a person is considered in need of specific protection always depends on whether they receive a careful...
This is an often overlooked benefit of buying a house. jake chase August 23, 2010 at 10:52 am Housing is a great investment for those whose incomes are likely to grow. These days, that includes very few people other than professionals. Today’s problem is artificial support for bubble ...
This is relevant because in our case, using a student sample would not be appropriate, since students are more likely to live with their parents or benefit from communal housing on their campuses. Therefore, working with a general population sample24 such as ours is an improvement on previous ...
Both the residential mobility and segregation literatures will benefit from more insights in the characteristics of people who are (un)able to leave undesired neighbourhoods. This paper uses a combination of register data and survey data. We use data from a large housing survey in the Netherlands...
This study explores the ways in which a rehousing intervention shapes the mental well-being of Inuit adults living in Nunavut, Canada, where the prevalence of core housing need is four times the national average. More specifically, it compares the housin
The world’s population is getting older these days. Frailty, a gerontologic health condition associated with ageing, has serious consequences. One crucial remedy for the elderly population is the development of ageing-in-place infrastructures. To better understand the market requirements for ageing h...