The accusation of discrimination is against the independent appraiser who performed the appraisal, not Rocket Mortgage. Despite this, the DOJ surprisingly dragged Rocket Mortgage into a lawsuit based on the assertion that the company "had the authority to correct the [allegedly...
Implement legislation to prevent abusive “contract for deed” transactions and use existing authority to protect communities of color, which for too long have been exploited by this practice. Protect consumers currently participating in “contract for deed” agreements by ensuring aggressive protections a...
We Are The Selma Housing Authority Making Affordable Homes and Suitable Living Environments Hope, Compassion, Opportunity! Three simple words that render the Selma Housing Authority (SHA) as more than a housing provider. Serving nearly 2,500 families in the City of Selma, through its affordable ...
Affordable Housing on the Front Range: Inclusionary Housing Ordinances and the New Middle Income Housing Authority Orrick Public Policy Podcast #25 – A Conversation with the California State Senate Majority Leader Robert M. Hertzberg Inside DC: Highlights and Implications of the FY 2022 Budget ...
It is easy to develop on the margins of Houston, it is fairly easy to develop in much of the existing city, but those individual groups of landowners who want to have collective rules for their own properties can do so, and the local authority will enforce those rules on those properties...
The project will be funded by public sources such as the Washington State Department of Commerce Housing Trust Fund and the King County Housing Finance Program. Some financing sources include: 95 King County Housing Authority vouchers $5.2 million awarded by King County Housing Finance Program 9 pe...
D.C.’s Housing Production Trust Fund provided $33.1 million, while $9.5 million originated from Green Bank and state Low-Income Housing Tax Credit funds. Other financial partners included in the project are Department of Housing and Community Development, DC Housing Authority and Bank of America...
(1971). Current patterns of parental authority. Developmental Psychology, 4(1, Pt.2), 1–103. Article Google Scholar Baumrind, D., & Black, A. E. (1967). Socialization practices associated with dimensions of competence in preschool boys and girls. ...
In 2015, Washington DC's Living Building Challenge Collaborative sponsored a competition in partnership with the DC Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE) and the DC Housing and Community Development (DHCD) authority. The goal was to envision a small community of 10鈥 15 affordable single-...
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